Friday, August 18, 2017

Lisa Scaffidi emails lay bare bitter divisions within the City of #Perth

Factional divisions within the City of Perth have been laid bare in explosive emails between senior executives, councillors and Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi, who was gripped by concerns her adversaries would use the findings of a $500,000 operational audit against her.

The emails, released under Freedom of Information, could give further ammunition to WA Premier Mark McGowan, who has made no secret of his desire to sack the council, which he has called “dysfunctional and chaotic”.

He has also asked Cr Scaffidi to resign over her failure to declare gifts and travel.

An operational audit by Deloitte highlighted significant problems for the City of Perth’s administration to fix, including revenue that was failing to keep up with costs and too many highly paid staff.

Source: Lisa Scaffidi emails lay bare bitter divisions within the City of Perth – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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