Friday, August 18, 2017

1 Word That Immediately Kills Your Credibility according to Time

Never say it again, if you can help it.

It is “actually.”

For the experienced listener, “actually” is a dead giveaway of an area that at the least needs to be further investigated, and may point at a deception.

Let me explain. When you use the word “actually” properly, you are comparing two thoughts and providing clarification.

For example:

Question: “Did you go to the store for milk?”

Answer: “Actually, I stopped at a gas station.”

In this example, it is easy to see why someone might use the word . The original question suggested that you went to the store, but you might not think that a gas station is really a store. In your mind, you are comparing and justifying the decision to stop at a gas station rather than a grocery store.

A common example of how this plays out in a sales presentation or investor pitch:

Question: “How many customers are using the platform?”

Answer: “We actually have over 100 companies.”

The word “actually” isn’t important to the answer. It’s extra information that makes the listener curious as to why the word was added. An astute investor or customer will follow up with a request to see a customer list or to get a customer referral.

In a customer interview, the customer may use the word as a way to please the person asking the question:

Question: “Do you use this product?”

Answer: “Actually, I have.”

To the experienced listener, this answer actually (get it?) means, “No, I have never used it” or “I used it once and it didn’t do what I expected or needed.” An appropriate follow-up is to ask for a specific example or time that the function was used…

Source: 1 Word That Immediately Kills Your Credibility |

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