Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Rabbi shows off Steve Bannon’s White House to-do list

A Rabbi has unwittingly shown the world Steve Bannon’s exhaustive to-do list after posing for a photo with Trump’s chief strategist during a visit to the White House.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, 50, visited the White House on Tuesday to celebrate Israel’s Independence Day.

The Orthodox Jewish author documented his visit by tweeting several photos of himself standing alongside the likes of Mike Pence, Ted Cruz and Bannon.


But it was his photos with Bannon – who he described as a ‘great, stalwart friend of the Jewish state’ – that has gained the most attention.

A long list of Trump’s campaign promises can be seen on the white board behind Bannon and Boteach – and ticks can be seen next to those the administration has already implemented or taken action on.

The list covers immigration policies extensively, including building the Mexican border wall, tripling the amount of ICE agents and suspending the Syrian refugee program.

‘Finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracker’ and ‘sunset visa so that Congress is forced to revisit and revise’ also appear on Bannon’s to-do list.

Repealing Obamacare and pledges on tax reform are among the first things on Bannon’s white board.

Boteach has occasionally written columns for Breitbart News in the past, which used to be run by Bannon before he took up a job with Trump’s administration.

Twitter users were quick to point out just what Boteach’s photos captured with one person tweeting: ‘The whiteboard is f@*ked up on so many levels.’

Another person wrote: ‘he used you to share his fake to-do list. congrats.’


This is a list of items visible from the photos Rabbi Shmuley Boteach took with Steve Bannon on Tuesday:

Pledges on Obamacare

Repeal and replace Obamacare

Pledges on Tax Reform

Create a 10% repatriation tax

Lower the corporate tax to 15%

Eliminate the estate tax

Eliminate the carried interest loophole

Pledges on Immigration

Cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities

Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions

Implement new extreme immigration vetting tech…

Suspend the Syrian Refugee Program

Create support for victims of illegal immigration

Expand and revitalize the popular 287(g) program

Issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are…for any crime, and they will be placed in removal proceedings

End ‘Catch-And-Release’

Hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents

Restore the Secure Communities Program

Triple the number of ICE agents

Build the border wall and eventually make Mexico pay for it

Sunset our visa laws so that Congress is forced to revise and revisit them

Finally complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking…

Propose Passage of Davis-Oliver bill

Immediately terminate Obama’s ‘two illegal…

…pass ‘Kate’s Law’

ISIS/National defense

Submit a plan to defeat I…

Source: Rabbi shows off Steve Bannon’s White House to-do list | Daily Mail Online

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