Thursday, May 4, 2017

Jihadi bride sister of Curtis Cheng’s killer fled Australia ONE DAY before the police worker was murdered – to marry an ISIS terrorist in Syria

The day before Farhad Jabar murdered Curtis Cheng outside Parramatta police headquarters, his sister fled Australia to Syria.

Seen for the first time, images taken from security cameras at Sydney Airport show Shadi Jabar, then 20, pushing a trolley loaded with luggage through the departure terminal.

Prosecutor Paul McGuire, SC, told Downing Centre Local Court she was on her way to boarding a Singapore Airlines flight on a trip that would eventually deliver her to Syria – where she married an ISIS fighter before being killed, the Daily Telegraph reports.

The three images show her dressed in a headscarf and lugging a polka dot backpack and a black carry bag.

Those bags were  packed and prepared by an accused terrorist, the court heard, before her 15-year-old brother Farhad handed them to her as she stepped into the taxi that took her to the airport.

On Thursday, one of the men accused of supplying the murder weapon to the teenage killer, allegedly said Farhad had ‘died for the sake of Allah’, .

Raban Alou allegedly consoled 15-year-old Jabar’s distraught older brother Farshad Jabar two days after the teenager shot Mr Cheng dead before being killed by police in an exchange of gunfire.

A recording of the alleged October 4, 2015, conversation was played on Thursday at a committal hearing for the group of men accused of aiding Jabar…

MORE: Sister of Curtis Cheng’s killer on CCTV at Sydney Airport | Daily Mail Online

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