Wednesday, May 3, 2017

This Girl Scout Smiling In The Face Of A Neo-Nazi Is A Total Hero

May we all be as cool, calm and collected in the face of hate.

On May 1, a Girl Scout in the Czech Republic showed us what resistance looks like.

The scout, Lucie, squared off with a neo-Nazi at a far-right rally in Brno, Czech Republic, and ― like many badass women before her ― stayed calm, cool, collected.

The photo, taken by Vladimír Čičmanec, was posted on the World Organization of the Scout Movement’s Facebook page on Tuesday, with a caption about how the Scouts showed up to the march in protest for the far-right to champion peace and diversity in the face of hate.

“People from all walks of life, and #Scouts among them, came to the streets during an extreme right march yesterday, to express their support for values of diversity, peace and understanding,” the caption read.

The photo has since picked up steam on Twitter and Reddit, with many heralding Lucie as “fearless” and “brave.” In the photos below, she’s shown carrying a banner that reads, “”We will raise your children,” a Scout’s motto.

MORE HERE: This Girl Scout Smiling In The Face Of A Neo-Nazi Is A Total Hero

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