Thursday, May 4, 2017

Trump’s Turnbull meeting delayed + shortened as President hails healthcare vote

US President Donald Trump delays his meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in New York City by several hours.

Mr Trump postponed the meeting to remain in Washington while a bill to replace Obamacare passed the House of Representatives.

He then held a lengthy celebratory press conference at the White House before boarding Air Force One and flying to New York.

The President was due to meet Mr Turnbull at a Manhattan hotel but instead they are now scheduled to hold a shorter, 30-minute meeting onboard the USS Intrepid, a museum on the Hudson River.

“He’s got some other things he wants to take care of before he leaves town, and so it’s nothing more than that,” deputy White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said.

“I don’t want to get ahead of their visit, but I think that you can expect a strengthening out of an already strong ally, and furthered continued great relationship that we have with them.”

Mr Turnbull and Mr Trump are also due to speak at a gala dinner commemorating the 75th anniversary of the battle of the Coral Sea at the museum.

It will be the first time the pair have met since a testy phone call earlier this year over a refugee deal between the two nations struck by the Turnbull Government and the Obama administration.

Earlier in the day Mr Turnbull met with the Commander of the US P…

MORE: Donald Trump’s Malcolm Turnbull meeting delayed and shortened as President hails healthcare vote – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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