Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Microwaving you tea is the healthiest and tastiest way to brew it…

If you’re an avid tea drinker this news may see you change your entire routine.

Instead of pouring boiling water into your teacup you should instead fill it with cold water and microwave it for 30 seconds.

Quan Vuong, from the University of Newcastle, has thoroughly researched our tea drinking mannerisms (and the science behind it) and suggests this is the healthiest and tastiest way to drink the liquid.

According to Mr Vuong microwaving your humble brew activates the bioactive compounds within the tea bag, including caffeine, amino acid theanine and polyphenols.

If you’re an avid tea drinker this news may see you change your entire routine.

Instead of pouring boiling water into your teacup you should instead fill it with cold water and microwave it for 30 seconds.

Quan Vuong, from the University of Newcastle, has thoroughly researched our tea drinking mannerisms (and the science behind it) and suggests this is the healthiest and tastiest way to drink the liquid.

According to Mr Vuong microwaving your humble brew activates the bioactive compounds within the tea bag, including caffeine, amino acid theanine and polyphenols.

Source: Microwaving you tea is the healthiest way to brew it | Daily Mail Online

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