Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Journalist who exposed Donald Trump charitable claims wins Pulitzer and revealed ‘grab ’em by the pussy’ tape

david-fahrenthold.jpgThe Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold has won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting, which included the revelation that Donald Trump had made false claims about his charitable fundraising as well as breaking the news of the tape in which the tycoon bragged about groping women.

During the US election campaign last year, the reporter investigated the President’s philanthropic works over his business career, revealing that Mr Trump had made his fundraising seem more impressive than it actually was.

Following Mr Fahrenthold’s reporting, the New York Attorney General opened an inquiry into the Trump Foundation fundraising practices, and ultimately issued a “notice of violation” ordering the foundation to stop raising money in New York.

The Pulitzers, given out by Columbia University, are the most prestigious prizes in American journalism for newspaper and digital news coverage.

Source: Journalist who exposed Donald Trump charitable claims and revealed ‘grab ’em by the pussy’ tape wins Pulitzer | The Independent

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