Sunday, April 9, 2017

Bannon to be forced out of the White House if he doesn’t become a team player

Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon will reportedly be forced out unless he adopts a more conciliatory approach and plays nice with Jared Kushner.

The ultimatum comes after a hellish week for the top aide who has become increasingly isolated in the White House following his rise to power as a key architect of Trump‘s ‘America First’ policy, a senior official told Axios.

Bannon’s power bubble burst this week when Trump booted him from the National Security Council, his feuds with Kushner and wife Ivanka Trump were made public and it emerged he was against the Syrian airstrikes.

Arguably the two most influential voices in the West Wing, Bannon and Kushner were forced to sit down on Thursday at the Mar-a-Lago estate with chief of staff Reince Priebus.

Trump, increasingly frustrated by the leaks and stories of infighting that keep flowing out of the West Wing, ordered the pair to set aside their growing feud and ‘work this out’.

‘Either Steve becomes a team player and gets along with people, or he’ll be gone,’ a top Trump source told Axios.

There have been numerous reports of late indicating Bannon – who seemingly sees himself as the keeper of campaign promises – is in constant opposition to Kushner, Trump’s daughter Ivanka.

Sources say Bannon and Kushner have locked heads over strategies to pass health care legislation, the fallout of the immigration bans and whether the US should bomb Syria.

Source: Bannon to be forced out if he doesn’t become a team player | Daily Mail Online

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