Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Trump claims Obama released 122 Guantanamo prisoners back to the terror battlefield – but 113 of them were turned loose by George W. Bush

President Donald Trump claimed Tuesday that 122 former Guantanamo Bay prisoners released by former President Barack Obama administration have returned to the terror battlefield.

The vast majority of those released prisoners, however, were turned loose during the George W. bush administration.

‘122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!’ Trump tweeted.

His message came less than an hour after ‘Fox and Friends’ broadcast a story about a former Gitmo detainee who was killed Monday in a drone strike.

That story included the claim that ‘122 prisoners released from Gitmo have returned to the battlefield.’

That much is true. The latest report from the Director of National Intelligence, published in September, confirms that as of July 2016 there were 122 former Gitmo prisoners confirmed to be back in the terror fight.

But 113 of those were released during Bush’s presidency. Obama released just nine.

MORE: Trump says 122 Obama Gitmo releases returned to terrorism | Daily Mail Online

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