Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Spies travel on ‘black passports’ through security WikiLeaks reveals

TRAVEL secrets of undercover CIA hackers have been uncovered in the latest WikiLeaks data dump including claims the US Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert base for hackers.

The documents, which governments are working to verify, outline how undercover agents are given “black passports” for travel and a cover story to pass through security into Germany. From there they can move freely inside Europe’s Schengen area and infiltrate other countries like France, Italy and Switzerland.

“Breeze through German Customs because you have your cover-for-action story down pat, and all they did was stamp your passport,” one of the documents included in the cache reads.

“Check in, drop off your bags, shower (you probably need one). Do not leave anything electronic or sensitive unattended in your hotel room. (Paranoid, yes, but better safe then sorry.)

“If you arrive on a Sunday morning … expect to find most businesses (grocery stores especially) are closed. Some restaurants may be open. Gas stations are not recommended for fine dining.”

The travel instructions include advice to “buy something in Duty Free, because you’re awesome and you deserve it!” It also contains a warning to watch out for cover stories of fellow agents.

“Be aware that your co-workers here are all under cover. While cover seems like an administrative thing back home, it is vital in the Field (sic).

“Help protect everyone’s cover. Avoid using terms outside of the SCIF that could betray that people are not ‘State Department’ employees. Better to keep work discussions at work.”

It’s unclear whether the purported leaks are genuine however security analysts say they seem authentic. The German government is working with US authorities on verification of the cache that claims the Frankfurt Consulate is a covert base for electronic attacks that require “physical proximity”.

“These attack methods are able to penetrate high security networks that are disconnected from the internet, such as police record database. In these cases, a CIA officer, agent or allied intelligence officer acting under instructions, physically infiltrates the targeted workplace,” WikiLeaks said in a statement.

“The attacker is provided with a USB containing malware developed for the CIA for this purpose, which is inserted into the targeted computer…”

MORE: WikiLeaks: Spies travel on ‘black passports’ through security WikiLeaks reveals

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