Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Azure Window featured in Game of Thrones has collapsed in Malta

MALTA’S Azure Window is a stunning landmark which has featured as the backdrop for Hollywood blockbusters, epic TV shows and thousands of holiday snaps. But the gorgeous natural arch is no more…

What was the Azure Window?

The rock formation was on the Maltese island of Gozo and was famous for its 92ft arch, creating a stunning window effect.

Known as “It-Tieqa” in Maltese, it was situated near Dwejra Bay and formed when two limestone sea caves collapsed.

What films and TV shows has the Azure Window featured in?

The Azure Window has adorned countless Malta holiday brochures and tourism guides, but it has also been the backdrop for many famous scenes on film…

MORE: What happened to the Azure Window in Malta? Rock formation featured in Game of Thrones has collapsed – all you need to know

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