Monday, July 17, 2017

Sydney: Stepfather guilty of 42 charges of molesting + drugging charges. 99 sexual assaults

THE family of the teenage girls and the mother who were victims of the stepfather molester have called him a “monster”.

The 45-year-old stepfather was today found guilty by a district court jury of 42 charges of drugging his stepdaughter and the girl’s mother and molesting his two stepdaughters from the ages of 11 and 12.

The family described the ordeal as “the darkest time of our lives” and said they were grateful that justice had been served despite the offender’s “ugly tactics” and “sickening lie” during the trial.

The salesman, who had earlier admitted to 99 sexual assaults against his elder stepdaughter between the ages of 12 and 16, showed little emotion as the verdicts were read out at the Downing Centre District Court in Sydney.

But he blinked as the guilty verdict was read out for molesting his younger stepdaughter.

The family, who issued a statement immediately following the guilty verdicts through victim’s of crime advocate Howard Brown, said they had “a long period of recovery ahead and their battle is not over”.

“The outcome today is exactly what we expected and we are profoundly moved to see justice finally served.

Source: Stepfather found guilty of molesting and drugging charges

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