Friday, July 21, 2017

Mexican stats show June was deadliest month in 20 years with 2,234 murders

Mexican government statistics show June was the country’s deadliest month in at least 20 years, with murders reaching 2,234.

The one-month total also makes 2017 the deadliest first half of a year that Mexico has seen in at least two decades.

From January to June the country recorded 12,155 homicides, nearly 31 percent higher than the same period last year. It also tops the number seen in the first half of 2011, the previous high.

June was the third consecutive month when murders increased.

Especially troubling for the government is that they are distributed across a number of states. In 2011 the high murder numbers could largely be blamed on a couple of states with intense drug cartel feuds.


2:25 p.m.

Burnt vehicles. Road blockades. A raging gun battle between marines and gang members that killed eight.

Such scenes have been common in places like Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo during Mexico’s decade-old drug war. But residents of Mexico City were stunned this week to see that kind of mayhem in their own city, long considered something of an oasis from the violence wreaking havoc elsewhere.

Source: The Latest: Mexico jobseekers tricked into cartel boot camps – ABC News

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