Saturday, July 22, 2017

World’s largest ship, Shell’s floating LNG vessel Prelude, heading to WA

IT makes the Sydney Opera House, London Eye and Taj Mahal look like doll houses, contains five times more steel than the Sydney Harbour Bridge, is almost twice as long as the Titanic and 2 1/2 times as wide.

Feast your eyes on Prelude — the biggest vessel the world has ever seen.

Since the end of last month, four tugs have been towing the 488m long and 74m wide facility from a South Korean shipyard to the WA coast.

Prelude is due to arrive at the Prelude Offshore Gas Field at Browse Basin, 475km north-east of Broome, in the next couple of weeks and will call WA waters homes for the next 20 to 25 years…

Source: World’s largest ship, Shell’s floating LNG vessel Prelude, heading to WA | Perth Now

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