Saturday, July 22, 2017

Donald Trump fires off tweets on Russia probe, claims ‘complete power to pardon’

US President Donald Trump has fired off a volley of early morning tweets complaining about the investigation into possible Russian meddling in his 2016 campaign, while insisting that he has “complete power to pardon”.

Key points:

  • Mr Trump sent 10 early morning tweets
  • Questioned why authorities weren’t investigating Hillary Clinton or James Comey
  • Tweeted that the Democrats were “obstructionists” with “no ideas or votes”

The tweets were unusual in their breadth and scope, even for Mr Trump, given the wide variety of topics he touched on as Saturday dawned in the US.

His 10 tweets, all sent within two hours starting before 6:30 am (local time) ranged from the Russia investigation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Hillary Clinton, the health care effort and his newly appointed White House communications director.

In one missive, Mr Trump said: “While all agree the US President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.”

The Washington Post recently reported that Mr Trump has inquired about the authority he has as President to pardon aides, relatives or even himself in connection with the widening investigation into Russian interference in the election and whether any Trump associates were involved.

The President has long criticised leaks of information about the investigation and has urged authorities to prosecute leakers. He maintains that no crimes have been committed.

Source: Donald Trump fires off tweets on Russia probe, claims ‘complete power to pardon’ – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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