Friday, July 21, 2017

Scrubs Bill Lawrence: Escaped with his life when seaplane ditched into NY East River

THE creator of hit TV show Scrubs tried to laugh off the moment his plane crash-landed into New York’s East River on Friday afternoon.

Television producer Bill Lawrence, who was a passenger on the small plane, posted snaps to social media in the aftermath of the close encounter.

He posted a picture of himself in a life jacket with the caption: “Going to go drink tequila continuously. #Lucky

Only one day earlier he had posted a video of a separate – smoother – landing alongside the words: “Just landing in the east river. No big deal. #Baller.”

“I don’t like this,” the worried TV producer can be heard saying…

VIDEO: Creator of hit show Scrubs Bill Lawrence reveals moment he escaped with his life when seaplane was forced to ditch into New York’s East River

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