Saturday, July 15, 2017

2 Stuck trains at Penn Station strand 700, rescue train also stalls

The so far, so good Summer of Hell at Penn Station hit a major road bump Saturday when two trains lost power, stranding more than 700 riders — and one of the rescue trains sent to help also stalled.

Amtrak authorities said electrical issues with overhead wires were to blame for the latest woes at the beleaguered transit hub.

The trouble began when a train from Miami carrying 165 people stalled as it entered Penn Station about 11:50 a.m. A rescue train sent to tow that train into the station proved no help when it was stopped in its tracks by the same electrical problems.

“This seems to be an electrical issue,” an Amtrak spokesman said. “The train became disabled just west of the station.”

When the first rescue train couldn’t reach the stalled train, a second locomotive was sent in and towed everyone to safety after about two hours...

Source: Stuck trains at Penn Station strand 700, rescue train also stalls – NY Daily News

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