Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Company promises everyone who re-posts image free swimsuit!!

Clothing retailer Sunny Co Clothing may either be genius or in deep trouble. The brand promised everyone who re-posted their Instagram a code for a free swimsuit, and now the budding company will have to ship out more than 100,000 suits.

If you opened your Instagram today only to find it covered with the same image of a brunette woman in a red bathing suit, you are not alone. A viral promotion for a clothing company is promising a free bathing suit to all who re-post the image before 3 PM PST on May 3, 2017.

Sunny Co Clothing, a swimwear-focused retailer, is the brand behind the viral image. The company appears to have been founded in August of last year, and claims to donate $1 from every order to an Alzheimer’s charity.

The details: Supposedly, all who share the image will receive a code allowing them to pay just shipping and handling for a suit worth $64.99Everyone who re-posts the image within the allotted time frame will supposedly receive a code good for one of the brand’s ‘Pamela’ style swimsuits, a $64.99 value. Recipients of the code will, however, be required to pay for shipping and handling, which varies by location.

The truth? The internet can’t seem to decide whether the marketing ploy is either an excellent way to score free swimwear, or an advertising scam intended to grow the company

Instagrammers are torn between whether this is an ingenious way to stock up on swimwear for the summer, or merely a scheme intended to serve as free marketing for the new-ish company.

Still, that hasn’t stopped more than 100,000 people from re-posting the image – and an equal number of people from scratching their heads and wondering how the relatively small company will delivery such a high quantity of product.

The Twitter reactions from both camps have proven equally hilarious. ‘Bored today? Take a shot every time you see the post on [Instagram]. You’ll be blacked out in about 3 minutes,’ wrote one Twitter user.

‘We are currently looking for a sweatshop to make the 37 million red swimsuits needed thank you for your patience! Updates to come soon,’ wrote an account parodying the company.

MORE: Company promises everyone who re-posts image free swimsuit | Daily Mail Online

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