Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Woman assaulted by drunk United passenger, attendants KEPT bringing him booze

A woman who was traveling to Phoenix with her young daughter on a United Airlines flight says she was sexually assaulted by a drunken male passenger.

Jennifer Rafieyan, 47, was waiting aboard a plane on the tarmac at Newark Airport last month with her 12-year-old daughter, when she claims a 64-year-old man was directed to an aisle seat next to her.

The mother claims the man was noticeably drunk, and a flight attendant had to ‘guide him by his hips’, the Huffington Post reports.

Rafieyan told the website two attendants warned her to be careful of the man, and then one said, ‘Let me know if you need anything – I mean it,’ before looking across at the intoxicated sexagenarian.

The distraught mother reported the incident to the Federal Aviation Administration - and she was told it has been added to its national sexual assault database

‘She said, “I’m so sorry. We felt really bad putting him next to you, but there was nothing we could do. He was doing the same kind of stuff to the other flight attendant”,’ the 47-year-old told the website.

Defeated, she then returned to her seat – just inches away from her alleged abuser.

To make the alleged incident even worse, Rafieyan said a flight attendant continued to ply the boozy passenger with more alcohol.

She claimed he was given three more whiskeys and a small bottle of wine over the course of the flight.

‘FAA regulations prevent the boarding of an intoxicated person and selling alcohol to him.

‘The [flight attendants] knowingly put a drunk person who had sexually harassed the [flight attendant] next to me and my daughter…

Source: Woman says she was assaulted by drunk United passenger | Daily Mail Online

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