Friday, February 24, 2017

WA One Nation candidates disendorsed by party for failing to ‘reach standards’

One Nation has officially disendorsed two of its candidates for failing to reach required standards, just a fortnight out from the March poll, in what a political analyst has described as a rare move.

Candidates for the rural Lower House seat of North West Central, Dane Sorensen, and southern Perth seat of Thornlie, Sandy Baraiolo, have been removed from One Nation’s online candidates’ list.

State leader Colin Tincknell told the ABC the party had “no choice” but to cast out their former candidates.

“Both those candidates didn’t reach the standards that we need, so we had no choice but to disendorse them,” he said.

“I think both of them would’ve liked to have continued, but like I said we have a set of standards that all the other 50 candidates were fitting into.

“Unfortunately these two weren’t able to do that so Pauline Hanson made the decision to disendorse them.”

Source: WA One Nation candidates disendorsed by party for failing to ‘reach standards’ – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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