Saturday, February 25, 2017

North Korean ‘killers’ were recruited in massage parlours and ‘used a deadly VX nerve agent for attack’ on Kim Jong-un’s brother

THE women who assassinated Kim Jong-un’s brother were recruited in massage parlours and used a weapon of mass destruction. Cops yesterday revealed they used a highly toxic nerve agent to kill Kim J…

Both women had different chemicals on their hands which were smeared or sprayed on Jong-nam’s face at Kuala Lumpur Airport. The substances — harmless apart — reacted to form deadly VX.

Their target reeled in confusion as the killers slipped to toilets to wash chemical traces off their hands.

One was said to have been affected by the compound and vomited in the loos after the February 13 attack.

By the time the pair fled in a taxi Jong-nam was convulsed in pain in an ambulance gasping his last words: “Very painful, very painful! I was sprayed with liquid.”

Source: North Korean ‘killers’ were recruited in massage parlours and ‘used a deadly VX nerve agent for attack’ on Kim Jong-un’s brother

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