Friday, February 24, 2017

George Brandis involved with Bell Group a month earlier than stated, says WA Attorney-General. IMHO JUST A SLEEZE

West Australian Attorney-General Michael Mischin says his federal counterpart, George Brandis, was involved in the Bell Group matter one month earlier than he said he was.

Key points:

  • Pressure mounts on Senator Brandis to explain involvement in Bell Group matter
  • Shadow A-G Mark Dreyfus calls revelations “extraordinary”
  • If claims are true, Senator Brandis may have misled Parliament over the issue

If Mr Mischin’s claims are true, Senator Brandis may have misled Parliament over the issue.

Senator Brandis has denied claims he wanted the Commonwealth to run dead in a High Court case to let the WA Government claw back nearly $1 billion from the settlement of Alan Bond’s collapsed business empire, the Bell Group.

Senator Brandis told 7.30 on Thursday he could not recall any conversations with Mr Mischin about the litigation in early Februar

He has told Parliament he first became personally involved in the matter in March.

But the WA Attorney-General has now detailed the nature of their discussion in early February.

Source: George Brandis involved with Bell Group a month earlier than stated, says WA Attorney-General – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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