Friday, February 24, 2017

Donald Trump’s America will be even worse than you thought: Michael Moore








Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has warned Americans that life under Donald Trump will be “worse” than they thought. Insisting that the US President was “honestly” carrying out the agenda on which he campaigned, he urged voters to leave their “bubble”.


Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore has warned Americans that life under Donald Trump will be “worse” than they thought.

Insisting that the US President was “honestly” carrying out the agenda on which he campaigned, he urged voters to leave their “bubble”.

“Anybody who’s still in their bubble, thinking, you know, ‘It won’t be that bad,’ trust me, it will be as bad as that and worse,” he told CNN’s Don Lemon. “They’re just doing it because they’re honest.

Moore added that the Trump administration would reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server in her New York home while she was secretary of state, between 2009 to 2013.

The FBI closed its investigation the Democratic nominee shortly before the presidential election, only to reopen it less than two weeks before voters went to polls – a move which some commentators claimed caused irreparable damage to her campaign.

Two days before the vote, FBI director James Comey said investigation had come to the conclusion that no prosecutable offence committed.

Moore claimed that the Trump administration was “going to go after the Hillary server thing, starting next week, again.”

VIDEO: Life in Donald Trump’s America will be even worse than you thought, warns Michael Moore | The Independent

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