Sunday, August 27, 2017

UK Beachy Head toxic gas: mysterious mist hospitalises 230 people

A PACKED tourist hotspot south of London was evacuated and more than 238 people hospitalised after a mysterious chemical mist blew in from the sea.

Hundreds more at the popular Beachy Head were left suffering stinging eyes and breathing difficulties after fleeing the East Sussex coast on Sunday afternoon.

Authorities are baffled about the source of the toxic gas, which some witnesses reported had a smell of chlorine.

Eastbourne District General Hospital was forced to declare a “major incident” as staff in hazmat suits treated people inside pop-up “decontamination” tents.

Witnesses have reportedly said patients were made to change clothes and were hosed down as an extra precaution.

Dramatic pictures show the unusual smog lingering above the sea before moving inland towards revellers enjoying a public holiday long weekend and warm weather at about 5pm on Sunday.

Source: Beachy Head toxic gas: mysterious mist hospitalises 230 people

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