Saturday, September 2, 2017

North Korea says it has successfully conducted a hydrogen bomb test

Officials in Japan and South Korea have concluded that the tremors detected in North Korea were a nuclear explosion, marking the sixth atomic test by Pyongyang since 2006

The shallow, 6.3 magnitude earthquake shook North Korea on Sunday, suggesting it had detonated a sixth nuclear device, hours after it said it had developed an advanced hydrogen bomb that possesses “great destructive power”.

“After examining the data we concluded that it was a nuclear tests,” Foreign Minister Taro Kono said at a briefing broadcast by public broadcaster NHK following a meeting of Japan’s National Security Council.

Second earthquake detectedChina’s Earthquake Administration said it detected a second quake in North Korea of magnitude 4.6, which it termed as a “collapse”.The administration’s website said the second quake, measured at a depth of zero kilometres, came eight minutes after the firstquake, which it said was a “suspected explosion”.The co-ordinates of the two quakes were almost identical, according to figures provided by the administration.

Source: North Korea earthquake confirmed as nuclear test: Japan, South Korea | SBS News

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