Wednesday, August 30, 2017

‘Talking is not the answer!’: Trump at odds with Pentagon chief over North Korea

Donald Trump says talking is not the answer a day after Pyongyang fires a ballistic missile over Japan.

US President Donald Trump has dismissed the option of diplomatic negotiations with North Korea, declaring that “talking is not the answer” just a day after Pyongyang fired a ballistic missile over Japan, drawing international condemnation.

Key points:

  • US senator slams Donald Trump’s tweet as “most irresponsible of his presidency”
  • North Korea promises more missiles, particularly in the Pacific around Guam
  • Malcolm Turnbull says initiating a war would be “suicide” for Kim Jong-un
  • Mr Trump is referring pre-2009 to food, energy assistance by “extortion money”

“The US has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years. Talking is not the answer!”, Mr Trump tweeted, renewing his tough rhetoric toward Pyongyang.

Mr Trump’s latest comment appeared to undercut his own secretaries of defence and state, who have emphasised finding a diplomatic solution to North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and Pentagon chief Jim Mattis was quick to respond that diplomacy was always on the table.

Source: North Korea: Donald Trump says ‘talking not the answer’ as Kim Jong-un urges more missiles – Donald Trump’s America – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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