Friday, May 26, 2017

Jared Kushner is the latest target of the Russiagate probe

Drawing a blank with Manafort, Page, Stone and Flynn, the Russiagate investigators now come after Kushner.

Last week reports appeared in the US media that the FBI had discovered “a person of interest” in the Russiagate probe, who was still unlike all the other people being investigated a member of Donald Trump’s team. This week that person has been identified and it turns out to be Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner.

The expression “person of interest” has no legal meaning whatsoever. It should never be used to describe anyone whilst an investigation is underway. It insinuates that the person in question is a suspect, when he or she is not. It is particularly inappropriate when used of someone in the Russiagate investigation given that there is still no evidence that any crime was committed or anyone is suspected of committing one.

In Kushner’s case the reason for the FBI’s interest in him appears to be that last year he – like many other people – met with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. That meeting apparently took place in December, in other words after the election, making it difficult to see what bearing it could have on the election.

Kushner apparently also met last year with a Russian banker called Sergey Gorkov.

One of the most sinister aspects of former CIA Director John Brennan’s recent testimony to Congress was the way Brennan appeared to say that any meeting with any Russian was axiomatically suspect because all Russians must be suspected of working for Russian intelligence. Brennan even said that a US citizen who came into contact with a Russian might be recruited by Russian intelligence without even being aware of it.

Presumably it is this sort of paranoid reasoning – which belongs more in a mental institution than a well run investigation – which sees something suspicious in a meeting between Kushner – a US businessman – and Gorkov – a Russian businessman.

Notwithstanding Kushner’s meetings with Kislyak and Gorkov, we are told that he is not actually being investigated for anything:

Source:Jared Kushner is the latest target of the Russiagate probe — Puppet Masters —

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