Saturday, May 27, 2017

Manchester Terror: Moss Side Evacuation as property searched

An evacuation in Moss Side is under way as part of a search linked to the Manchester terror attack.

Greater Manchester Police described the evacuation in the inner-city area as a “precautionary measure to ensure everyone’s safety”.

Several raids have been performed across Manchester in recent days – with officers performing a controlled explosion overnight at a property in Cheetham Hill. Two men, aged 20 and 22, were arrested.

A bus was also stormed to detain a 44-year-old man in Rusholme.

Eleven people are now being held in connection with bombing at Manchester Arena, which killed 22 people at the sold-out Ariana Grande concert on Monday night.

Police say they have tracked down a large part of the network linked to suicide bomber Salman Abedi – with “thousands of exhibits” now being examined by investigators.

“I think it is fair to say that there has been enormous progress with the investigation, but there is still an awful lot of work to do,” Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said.

The terrorism threat level remains at critical and armed officers have been seen patrolling public transport and beaches in some parts of the country.

They will also be on duty at hundreds of bank holiday events over the weekend, including the FA Cup final at Wembley and the Premiership Rugby final at Twickenham.

More follows…

Source: Evacuation in Moss Side as property searched over Manchester attack – Q Radio

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