Thursday, May 25, 2017

Manchester Ariana Grande attack: bomber’s chilling back-up plan

STARTLING new evidence suggests suicide bomber Salman Abedi had an accomplice lurking nearby to trigger the explosives remotely if he tried to bail out at the last minute.

Experts said to have examined the detonator switch found near Abedi’s body at the scene of the deadly Manchester attack revealed it contained special circuitry.

It’s the existence of that circuit board that suggests the nail-packed explosive could be operated remotely by someone else.

If the nail bomb was designed to be manually detonated, such technology would be unnecessary.

That backs-up the police’s theory that he was part of a highly-organised terror cell linked to Islamic State, which contained a specialist bomb maker.

There are fears that whoever made the Manchester Arena bomb — which killed 22 and left more than 100 injured — is now on the run and could carry out more attacks.

A police source said: “They don’t waste bomb makers. The reason we have gone to critical is because he is still out there and the fear is that he will strike again before they get caught.”

Authorities believe it is highly unlikely the 22-year-old college dropout made the sophisticated explosive device himself.

Those that studied the switch said the circuit board could either have been used as a timer or intended as a failsafe allowing an accomplice to trigger the bomb if Abedi didn’t.

The chilling revelation comes a day after photos were released showing the nail bomb the terrorist used in the massacre.

Source: Manchester Ariana Grande concert attack: bomber’s chilling back-up plan | Perth Now

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