Thursday, August 3, 2017

Strong winds for Melbourne, blizzards for Victorian Alps this weekend

Victorians are being urged to secure their properties ahead of wild weather this weekend.

The Alpine region in the state’s north-east will be hardest hit, with one metre of fresh snowfall, winds of between 90 and 110km/h and very poor visibility from Saturday.

Scott Williams, senior meteorologist at the Bureau of Meteorology’s extreme weather desk, said Mt Hotham would probably have the strongest winds and snowfall.

“Hotham, Falls Creek, Mt Buller will all be pretty similar with snow amounts, but Hotham just tends to get the strongest winds including the road leading up to the top,” he said.

The snowfall would be the biggest of the season, adding to the 75-80 centimetres already at Mt Hotham and Falls Creek.

Melbourne won’t be as windy as last Saturday, but the bureau is tipping gusts of between 80 and 90km/h in bayside areas and elevated parts of the city, mainly on Saturday night and Sunday.

The winds will continue until late Monday in Melbourne and coastal parts of Victoria.

Source: Strong winds for Melbourne, blizzards for Victorian Alps this weekend

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