Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Prepare for Spring Cold Nights, Australia. El Nino again…

SPRING is about to be sprung and with it one of the driest ever winters [in the East].

But meteorologists have cautioned that Australia’s climate is “idling in neutral” and while the coming seasons days may be warmer than usual, cold and frosty mornings will be a feature for some time to come.

On Thursday, the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) released its spring climate outlook as well its assessment of winter.

And if there was one word to sum up winter, it would be this: “dry”.

“For most of Australia this winter will be remembered for its cold nights, mild days and lack of rain,” said Sky News Meteorologist Tom Saunders.

“Every Australian capital’s rain total this season was below the long-term average and every capital’s maximum temperatures was above the long-term average.”

Australia has had its second driest June in 118 years of records. July was also above average while Brisbane had its warmest ever winter — 2C above the long-term average.

In the Pilbara, a temperature of 39.6C was recorded, the fourth highest ever winter temperature in Australia…

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