Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Harvey: ‘He could hear the kids screaming’: 6 family members swept away trying to flee Harvey

Manuel and Belia Saldivar and their four great-grandchildren were last seen in a submerged van.

HOUSTON — Manuel and Belia Saldivar lived for many decades in a house off one of the bayous that threads through northeast Houston. It wasn’t a big house, and it wasn’t a wealthy neighborhood, and Manuel earned a diesel mechanic’s salary most of his life — but the Saldivars prospered nonetheless.

They raised five sons in that house on Lake Forest Boulevard. Some of those sons had children, and some of those children had children. And so in their ninth decade on earth, Belia and Manuel lived a few minutes walk from three separate generations of descendants, the youngest member being a 6-year-old great-granddaughter who loved to dance.

All are gone now, said Ric Saldivar, the 53-year-old son of Manuel and Belia. His mother and father and their four great-grandchildren had not been seen since they sank beneath the bayou’s swollen waters, trapped in a van as they tried to flee their home…

Source: Harvey deaths: ‘He could hear the kids screaming’: Six family members swept away trying to flee Harvey – The Washington Post

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