Monday, July 3, 2017

Trump facing new threat as a plan bill to trigger 25th Amendment in bid to oust him

trrump-incapacitated.jpgDemocrats are pushing a bill that could see Donald Trump ousted from power – without him being either impeached or defeated at the polls – by claiming the President’s mental state opens him to the use of a never-before triggered part of the US constitution.

The draft bill, authored by Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who is also a constitutional law professor, would activate an investigation into whether Mr Trump has been too far “incapacitated” to continue as President. He would see to do so by making use of parts of the 25th Amendment.

The amendment was adopted in 1967 in response to the assassination of President John F Kennedy and other previous presidential medical crises. It deals with the temporary transfer of power from the president to the vice president, and has been used when Ronald Reagan and George W Bush underwent surgeries…

Source: Donald Trump facing new threat as Democrats plan bill to trigger 25th Amendment in bid to oust him | The Independent

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