Saturday, July 8, 2017

The post office that could topple Turnbull

“Price reduced for quick sale”. The suburban post office that has sparked a High Court challenge against a federal minister and threatens to topple the Turnbull government is on the market.

Assistant Health Minister David Gillespie’s political future is on the line – and so is the government’s one-seat majority – after Labor launched a constitutional challenge against his eligibility last week.

The opposition believes he may have an indirect financial interest in the Commonwealth – grounds for disqualification from office under section 44 of the constitution – because he leases a commercial space to an Australia Post licensee at Lighthouse Beach, near the NSW coastal city of Port Macquarie.

If the High Court finds he was invalidly elected it will spark a by-election in the National MP’s seat of Lyne and cause a massive political headache for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

If Dr Gillespie’s election is ruled invalid, it is believed he may be able to stand again in a by-election and re-win the seat – but not if he retains the offending interest…

Source: ‘Price reduced for quick sale’: the post office that could topple Turnbull

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