Thursday, April 27, 2017

Chilling images reveal homemade bomb left on London tube by ‘ISIS inspired’ teen

CHILLING images reveal parts of a homemade bomb planted on the London Underground by an “ISIS inspired” teen.

Damon Smith, 20, is accused of leaving the disguised bomb, rigged with a £2 Tesco clock, on a Jubilee Line train before it was noticed by worried passengers.

The £2 clock is part of the collection of images which were released by the Met Police.

Smith, was carrying a copy of the Koran when he left a rucksack containing an improvised explosive device on a Jubilee Line train at London Bridge in October, the Old Bailey was told.

Smith, who was 19 at the time, had intended to harm or kill passengers and had packed the device with ball bearings “so as to increase the destructive effect”, the jury heard.

When officers searched his home they found shredded documents which, when pieced back together, showed that he had written in green ink on a two-page feature in an al-Qaeda magazine.

The court was told that Smith, who is severely autistic, enjoyed gambling online and in casinos and had an interest in Islam and guns.

He had posed in videos with some of the weapons found at his home including a knuckle duster, a hunting knife, and two replica pistols that fired ball bearings.

Smith has admitted making the device but claimed it was a prank and intended to be a smoke bomb. He has been charged with possession of an explosive substance with intent.

The student, who moved to London with his mother to take up a place at London Metropolitan University, denies the charge but has admitted the lesser offence of perpetrating a bomb hoax.

Jonathan Rees, QC, for the prosecution, said: “The prosecution say that the defendant had built an improvised explosive device, which he intended would explode and endanger the lives of those travelling on that Tube train or, at the very least, cause serious damage to the train itself.”

Source: Chilling images reveal parts of homemade bomb left on London tube by ‘ISIS inspired’ teen

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