Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Report Reveals The Grubby Tactics In Australia’s Failed 2022 World Cup Bid

‘There is strong evidence that Australia made improper payments.’

Was Australia’s 2022 FIFA World Cup bid dirty? That’s pretty much what a FIFA report says, with allegations that the Football Federation Australia (FFA) made “improper payments intended to influence the vote of an Executive Committee member”.

This and many other allegations are all tabled in the full, unedited 400 page report into the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bidding process (the Cups were awarded to Russia and Qatar respectively and announced at the same time.)

The report, by FIFA Ethics Chief Investigator Michael Garcia, was originally leaked to German tabloid Bild. It appears FIFA then decided to outflank Bild by sticking the report on its own wesbite, where the whole world can read it in full.

News sites in the U.K. are leading with the alleged involvement of Prince William and former PM David Cameron in vote-swapping, a practice which contravene’s FIFA’s anti-collusion rules.

But some of the tactics in Australia’s failed 2022 World Cup bid — for which we received just one miserable vote despite spending $45.6 million and creating the weird kangaroo video below — are just as hard to swallow…

Source: Report Reveals The Grubby Tactics In Australia’s Failed 2022 World Cup Bid

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