Saturday, July 1, 2017

‘I’m president, they’re not’: Donald Trump savages media at veterans rally

President pins tweet referring to ‘fraud news’ before suggesting media have subversive agenda and criticising his travel ban troubles

Donald Trump has lashed out at the “fake media”, accusing it of trying to gag him and his supporters during a speech at an evangelical event honoring veterans in Washington.

“The fake media is trying to silence us, but we will not let them,” he said. “The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House. But I’m president, and they’re not,” he told attendees at the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

The president suggested the press “destroyed themselves because they went too far” and told supporters “Their agenda is not your agenda.”

Before taking the podium, he took the rare move of pinning one of his tweets to the top of his feed, one that appeared to shift his slogan from fake news to fraud news.

In an apparent swipe at his trouble in applying a travel ban on people from some Muslim-majority countries, he told the gathering the threat of terrorism was “one of the most grave and dire threats to religious freedom in the world today.”

He said: “We cannot allow this terrorism and extremism to spread in our country, or to find sanctuary on our shores or in our cities. We want to make sure that anyone who seeks to join our country shares our values and has the capacity to love our people.”

Source: ‘I’m president, they’re not’: Donald Trump savages media at veterans rally | US news | The Guardian

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