Monday, June 26, 2017

One Nation’s ‘I Trust Pauline Hanson t-shirts’ made in Bangladesh

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has been branded a hypocrite for selling party t-shirts made in Bangladesh while claiming to stick up for Australian jobs.

The bright orange ‘I Trust Pauline Hanson’ t-shirts were a prominent feature of One Nation’s campaigns during the 2016 federal election and this year’s WA state poll and were often donned by Senator Hanson herself.

But the merchandise, which is sold on the party’s website for $25 a piece, is made in Bangladesh, according to the label.

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union national secretary Michele O’Neil said there was “no justification” for the party selling t-shirts made in Bangladesh.

“That is an extraordinarily bad call from One Nation,” she told The New Daily.

“There are skilled workers making quality political t-shirts in Australia. And as a party that claims to be based on ordinary working people’s lives, it shows the hypocrisy of that claim.

“All it says is you can trust Pauline Hanson to not support local workers and to promote her party on the backs of exploited workers in a third-world country.”

The unashamedly nationalist party says it opposes “globalism” and has attacked the Liberal and Labor parties for overseeing the decline of Australia’s manufacturing industry…

Source: One Nation’s ‘I Trust Pauline Hanson t-shirts’ made in Bangladesh

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