Thursday, June 1, 2017

Martina Navratilova: Margaret Court is… a racist and a homophobe. Her vitriol…

An open letter from Martina Navratilova to Margaret Court Arena

…I did not know about until now were the unabashed racist statements she made in the ’70s about apartheid in South Africa. Saying that South Africa dealt with the “situation” (meaning people of colour) much better than anywhere else in the world, particularly the US: what exactly did she mean by that?

Now she is doubling down with her ridiculous comments about older women luring young girls on the tour to parties to turn them into lesbians. It’s a good thing she didn’t name anyone as I am pretty sure she would be sued for defamation.

‘We celebrate free speech, but that doesn’t mean it is free of consequences,’ writes Martina Navratilova.

SEE ALL HERE: An open letter from Martina Navratilova to Margaret Court Arena

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