Friday, June 2, 2017

Native Aussie plant kills Zika virus

Queensland researchers have found a way to kill the Zika virus using compounds found in an Australian native plant.

The compounds halt the virus, which causes birth defects, and stop it replicating without damage to host mammalian cells, QUT scientists say.

“The research is in the early stages, but we are aiming to ultimately synthesise the compounds in question and turn our attention to preclinical testing,” lead researcher Dr Trudi Collet said in a statement.

She didn’t name the plant, presumably for commercial reasons, but said it was fairly common, and its compounds were found to kill 100 per cent of the Zika infection in cells.

“It’s also exciting because of the implications of this work for other viruses. Zika, dengue, West Nile, Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever are all from the same family of viruses – flaviviridae.”

MORE: Native Aussie plant kills Zika virus | Perth Now

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