Friday, June 2, 2017

Australia’s stance on the nuclear weapons ban treaty – and why our diplomats were labelled ‘weasels’

At the most recent global negotiations to end nuclear weapons, members of Australia’s delegation were labelled weasels. Here’s why.

Scott Ludlam was scouring his memory, looking for a word.

The Greens senator was grilling Government officials about why Australia had decided not to take part in nuclear disarmament negotiations, but a word was eluding him.

Finally, he landed on it.

“I remember the word we were referred to by,” he said.

“Weasels. They called us weasels.

“Did other delegates refer to the Australian delegates as weasels?”

It was an unusual question, but officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) sitting opposite the Senator did not look confused. They knew exactly what he was talking about.

And the exchange that followed briefly illuminated the most recent global negotiations to end nuclear weapons — and Australia’s role in them.

Source: Australia’s stance on the nuclear weapons ban treaty – and why our diplomats were labelled ‘weasels’ – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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