Tuesday, June 27, 2017

DID Tony Abbott just coin a new Trump-like catch phrase for his political campaign?

DID Tony Abbott just coin a new Trump-like catch phrase for his personal political campaign? It sure sounds like it.

The former prime minister signed off a speech to conservative fans in Brisbane on Tuesday with a bizarrely familiar line.

“We need to make Australia work again,” he told a crowd hosted by the Institute of Public Affairs. “Because our country is plainly not working as it should.”

The catchy slogan came at the end of a long and revealing speech that wouldn’t have been out of place at a campaign launch, in which the backbencher appeared to outline his vision for the next Liberal government.

The manifesto of ideas comes amid talks of an all-out war within the Liberal Party, and accusations members in the Abbott camp are leaking to Labor.

Between barely veiled digs at the government and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Mr Abbott advised what the party had to do to win the next election.

“The next election can only be won by drawing up new battlelines that give our people something to fight for and the public something to hope for,” he said.

“To take the pressure off the cost of living, let’s stop subsidies for new wind power. To take the pressure off housing, let’s scale back immigration. Let’s make sure there are no known jihadis on our stree

Source: Tony Abbott wants to ‘make Australia work again’ as Liberal Party tensions continue

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