Sunday, June 3, 2018

PM Malcolm Turnbull set to announce 80 cent GST floor for WA. Too Little Too Late?

Sources say Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is planning to give WA 80 cent GST floor.PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull looks set to announce an 80-cent GST floor for WA, in a desperate move to hang on to shaky Liberal seats at the next Federal election.

Sources have told The Sunday Times that Mr Turnbull will soon take a “WA specific” GST solution to Cabinet, with an announcement likely to be made at the Liberal State conference in Perth on August 11.

It is understood the yearly GST top-up, which would inject an additional $5 billion into WA coffers over the next three years, would be paid out of consolidated revenue and not the annual GST multibillion-dollar pie, in a move designed to placate the must-win States of Tasmania, South Australia and Queensland.

via Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull set to announce 80 cent GST floor for WA | PerthNow

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