Tuesday, June 27, 2017

WHY Ransomware attacks keep happening AGAIN. Many companies are still at risk

Security firm Kaspersky Lab said Tuesday’s ransomware attack used exploits previously leaked in a batch of hacking tools believed to belong to the U.S. National Security Agency.

These tools take advantage security holes in some Windows operating systems. Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) released a patch for these flaws in March, but many companies are still at risk because they didn’t patch their systems. The WannaCry attack in May also used one of the same exploits.

Security firm Kaspersky Lab said Tuesday’s ransomware attack used exploits previously leaked in a batch of hacking tools believed to belong to the U.S. National Security Agency.

These tools take advantage security holes in some Windows operating systems. Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) released a patch for these flaws in March, but many companies are still at risk because they didn’t patch their systems. The WannaCry attack in May also used one of the same exploits…


MORE: Why ransomware attacks keep happening – Jun. 27, 2017

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