Tuesday, June 27, 2017

TEENAGER lucky to be alive after vicious dog attack in Rooty Hill. WARNING: Graphic images

A TEENAGE boy is lucky to be alive after a vicious dog attack in Rooty Hill.

A TEENAGE boy is lucky to be alive after a vicious dog attack in Rooty Hill.

Bailey McLoynes, 15, has been left with numerous stitches — more than 60 in one wound alone — and unable to move his arms because of torn muscles and ­injured ligaments.

Bailey was walking home from school when a large black dog cornered him about 3.10pm on Friday, June 16. Before he knew it, the dog was on top of him.

Luckily, a man nearby heard the attack and wrestled the dog off Bailey before jumping a fence to safety himself.

More: Dog attack Rooty Hill

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