Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Could you be affected by the latest global cyber attack?

A ransomware attack has struck computers across the globe. Here’s what we know so far.

A massive ransomware attack has hit computers and servers across the globe causing turmoil in its path.

Could you be affected? Here’s what we know so far.

How did it start?

The attack first shut down operations in Russia — including at Russia’s biggest oil company — and Ukraine before spreading to computers in Romania, the Netherlands, Norway, France, Spain, and Britain.

In a matter of hours, the attack had gone global, hitting the US and India.

Now, it’s also understood some businesses in Australia — including the Cadbury chocolate factory in Hobart — are also affected.

Key points:

  • The attack first shut down operations in Russia and Ukraine before going global
  • Experts are scrambling to determine the scope and impact of the attacks
  • It is believed the latest attack might be a ransomware virus called Petya

How does it work?

It’s believed the latest attack might be a ransomware virus called Petya and hidden in an innocuous document sent through email.

It freezes a user’s computer until a “ransom” is paid in virtual currency bitcoin.

The director of the Australian Centre for Cyber Security at UNSW, Professor Jill Slay, said the attack seemed to be in Europe, Russia and reaching the US.

“It spreads apparently by having a ‘bad’ instruction — like a small piece of computer code — hidden inside a Word or PDF document,” Professor Slay said.

“This bad instruction attacks a Windows operating system basically taking over a computer — in this case it seizes the files and encrypts them and then the bad guys ask for money to decrypt — this means you cannot open or read your own files.”

It’s also been suggested to have used the same tactics as the Wannacry attack last month…

MORE: Petya cyber attack: What’s going on with the latest ransomware virus? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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