Friday, June 15, 2018

Strong winds send portable toilets flying through the sky in US

YOU could be mistaken for thinking s–t has literally hit the fan in an alarming video where two portaloos took flight in a strong gust of wind in the US.Rubbish and tissues begin flying around in a suburban park and parents and children can be seen huddling on the ground for safety before one of the portable toilets slams into a nearby car and then launches into the air like something out of ‘Mary Poopins’ – an uncouth sequel.The portaloo can be seen spraying what we can only hope is washing-up water as it careens across the sky.The other portaloo then takes off, spraying liquid in the direction of park-goers who try to take cover, while a nearby marquee gets ripped out of the ground.The video was posted to Facebook on Monday and has since racked up more than one million views.

Source: Strong winds send portable toilets flying through the sky in US | PerthNow

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