Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Victoria Police officers fake more than 250,000 roadside breath tests, investigation reveals

Victoria Police on patrol in Melbourne.Victoria Police officers have falsified more than 250,000 roadside breath tests in the state over a five year period, an internal investigation has revealed.

The force said it was made aware of reports that officers were placing a finger over the straw entry hole of breath testing equipment, or blowing into the straw themselves last year before an investigation was launched.

After reviewing 1,500 preliminary breath test (PBT) devices and more than 17.7 million tests conducted over five years it found more than 258,000 PBTs, or 1.5 per cent of all tests, had been falsified.

Professional Standards Command assistant commissioner Russell Barrett said the findings were disappointing.

“This conduct will not be tolerated, any member found engaging in this practice from today has been put on notice they will be investigated,” he said in a statement.

via Victoria Police officers fake more than 250,000 roadside breath tests, investigation reveals – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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