Thursday, May 31, 2018

Child porn ring member Leon Berger jailed for ten months. “I would do it with babies if I could,” Why not 10 years [or more]?

Leon Berger was a member of a child porn group that involved A Current Affair reporter Ben McCormack.ONE of the members of a group of paedophile friends – which included former A Current Affair reporter Ben McCormack – has been jailed by a Perth judge.

Former bank employee Leon Mario Berger, 36, appeared in WA’s District Court earlier this year and admitted possessing child pornography. Berger was charged after he was caught along with two other WA paedophiles and McCormack following an interstate police operation.

While his lawyer pointed out that McCormack had not been sent to prison over his child pornography charges, Judge Patrick O’Neal said he was not satisfied that Berger had truly accepted his paedophilic disorder.

Berger was jailed for ten months but will be eligible for parole after five.

The court had previously heard how Berger was found with sickening imagery and a video, which included one photo of a six year-old boy being abused by an adult male – an act which Berger claimed he wanted to do himself.

In Skype chats and other messaging with McCormack and WA teacher Mathew Reale, who was also in touch with the disgraced former TV journalist, Berger revealed his own perversions, which included a fantasy about a drugging, kidnapping and raping a young male relative.

“I would do it with babies if I could,” was just one of the messages he sent.

via Child porn ring member Leon Berger jailed for ten months | PerthNow

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